Are there any pediatric hospice nurses here?


Specializes in CVSICU, Cardiac Cath Lab.

I'm writing a paper for my research class and I'd like to do it on some aspect of pediatric hospice. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas to narrow my topic. I am thinking of looking at special preparation for nurses in the field or family education.

Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions.


Specializes in Hospice.

I hope this is not too late, but I do some pediatric hospice. Because of this I have actually tried to do research projects on pediatric hospice patients. There is a stunning lack of research into symptom management in the pediatric setting. I think you may be able to do something specific such as preparing children for the death of a sibling. i have also been interested in how do we support parents in being parents. Sometimes we treat parents like medical caregivers, when really they are just parents and need to be empowered to act like a parent.

Specializes in CVSICU, Cardiac Cath Lab.

Wow, thanks, Erin! These are some excellent topics. I think I may see what I can find about preparing siblings.

You're doing wonderful work with these kids--I hope I can do the same when I get my BSN.

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