Are the any part time ADN programs out their?

Nursing Students School Programs


I ask this question because my mother wants to also try nursing school but with taking care of my little sisters and paying bills she doesn't feel she's has the time. I'm trying to convince her to apply with me. She has most of her prerequisites out of the way. If need be we could relocate and I've been trying to pick up some slack around the house. I would like her to get into school before me because I am just starting the prerequisite portion and don't mind taking care of things while she goes to school.

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

The best way to start finding programs would be to find the list of approved programs from your state BON. Narrow it down to those in your area. From there, visit the webpage of each school. Key words you're going to want to look for are evening/weekend programs. While part time programs do exist, it's going to mean full weekend days, as that is when these programs typically do clinicals. The program near me that used to do it before converting to BSN was that class was 5-9pm 1-2 nights per week and then every other weekend was clinical. Students were also required to have certain days during the week for some experiences, such as OR observation.

Thank you for the help

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