Are A's really not practical in nursing school?

Nursing Students General Students


I am wondering if it is really not practical to expect to continue getting A's once I start the NS program in 2 months? As someone who received an A in all prereqs including intro to bio, both A&P, chem x2, psy intro, psy (human dev), humanities, nurse aid & tech, etc... I kinda find it hard to believe.

I have 2 kids, who are in elementary school/ preschool... but I do not have to work.

So I would like to hear from A students who either continued getting A's or those who were A students and now find themselves as B/C students.

That depends, they say it's not practical because you shouldn't expect it. Nursing courses are hard, and unlike any other course you have taken. You can't really compare how you've done in other classes to how you will do in nursing school. I personally was an A student, except for my science courses: I got B's in A&P and microbiology. But I finished my first semester of nursing school with an A. I studied ALOT, and focused alot during clinicals, and asked the nurses tons of questions. Nursing school is very much about the application of knowledge to practical situations, at least that's how my school tests us. Everything is NCLEX based. It's not impossible to get A's, but it is difficult. You just have to get used to thinking like a nurse!

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