APU ELM Nursing

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I juts apply for APU spring semester 2016. Any advise for the interview/advising session? Did any of you have to write a prompt? If so what was the topics?


Friday? oh my...do you know if they send out snail mail or they send out email notifications?

She said that they will notify first by email and/or a phone call and then mail will be sent short after. This was for the inland empire location but she said all 3 of the campuses meet so I assume we will all hear back around the same time, give or take a day or two. What campus are you applying to?

I want to get in to either Monrovia or Azusa because I live in LA and the commute would not be so bad. However, I don't mind getting in to SD or IE although finding a place to stay will be tough.

Ya same for me. My family lives in inland empire so it'd be easier but I could do the others. I currently live in the bay area so I'll be moving either way. I just want to know. I refresh my email every 5 min haha. The wait is killing me...

I am surprised it has taken this long because my adviser told me that mails would be sent out by May 1st. I am patiently waiting for Friday. I hope the results are good because I am nervous as hell.

Ya I know what you mean. Who knows maybe we will find out tomorrow! They said by Friday... It's my birthday this weekend so hopefully I have something to celebrate :)

oh yeah..its my birthday today so I was really hopping I hear back by today so I have something to look forward to but oh well ...lets wait for tomorrow. Do you happen to know how they count the point system works?

happy birthday!!! I have no idea...on another forum someone talked about it but it doesn't make too much sense because it didn't refer to the letters of rec or admissions essay. I had a lowish undergrad GPA so i'm hoping for the best...she didn't bring it up during my interview and seemed pretty impressed with my background. so cross my fingers!! i hope we find out by friday...

Thank you . yeah, she never mentioned anything about my past academics with me. She simply told me about the program and how it is structured and asked me if I had any questions. She asked me if I had any health care experience and I told her that I volunteered..although my volunteer hours aren't that many :(. I have been taking pre-requisites for the last three semesters so its been hard to volunteer, work and go to school full time. To be honest I don't know about my chances, the only thing I can do is to wait. what is your background in?

I graduated 2013 with a degree in chemistry from berkeley and then worked as an emt for a year afterwards but bc my program was so intense at Berkeley I had a 2.8. The Avg GPA was a 2.7 in my program so :/ I've been taking the rest of my prerequisites after graduation so it's gone up to about a 3.0 but I'm worried it isn't good enough :( I feel like everyone feels this way haha. Hopefully we will have great news for our birthdays!!!

That's so wonderful. I Majored in biology and I have been teaching for a Learning center. I'm scared that I don't have enough health care experience although during my undergrad I worked in a lab ( which basically doesn't count as direct patient care). She asked me about having been employed at a hospital three times and right after the interview I got really nervous thinking that it might really affect my chances. Yes, I hope we hear some great news. Have you already taken the research methods?

I just got an email "account transition" and now have to log in as student but still did not hear from them as far as being accepted.. i hope this is a good sign...

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