Published Jul 14, 2014
18 Posts
After much contemplation, research, and introspection I've come to the conclusion I'd like to move on to FNP. I've spoken with other NPs where I work regarding their work style, life style, schooling and how they like it, most of them said they liked it and wouldn't go back to floor nursing even if paid higher.
I'm looking to apply to SUNY Downstates FNP program for the Spring 2015. Does anyone happen to know anything about it in terms of how the classes are (online, hybrid or brick and mortar?), locating preceptors and pass rates? How difficult was it? Is it possible to work and go to school? full time? I've done extensive google-ing the last two weeks and couldn't find much on all nurses or any other forum or site.
I haven't been able to find a NP that would allow me to shadow them for a day or follow through with speaking to colleagues about shadowing. My next step is to speak to my nursing education department if they can help me out shadowing a NP.
163 Posts
i am also interested in SUNY downstate's FNP program. did you find out any into? Do you have to shadow a nurse practitioner for the program? Have you attended one of the graduate info sessions? I am hoping to start in Fall 2015. I also haven't come upon too much info about the program.
thanks in advance!