Published Sep 2, 2009
7 Posts
Hey y'all,
I'm applying to the CARE Program at LSUHSC-No for Fall 2010 so I thought I'd start a thread for anyone else who's applying for that year. I figure we can help each other out with admissions, interviews, etc. Look forward to meeting all of you!
Hopefull nurse
168 Posts
I am thinking of wether or not to apply for the CARE program. I am currently at Delgado taking 3 Biology courses I need. I am taking the TEAS exam on the 23rd of this month and I am applying to Charity by the 30th of this month. I am so excited to apply but also scared of not getting accepted.
I have been looking into the CARE program and I am really interested in it. Do you know how much the entire program costs?
237 Posts
I'm going thru the CARE program now and I'm not sure how much it costs! (But I spend a lot of time looking confused about obvious things! ) Anyway, here is a link to the latest info posted for tuition. The program doesn't really run on a "semester system" but that is how it is billed (we take 10 "blocks" over the course of ~18 months).
A word of caution: make CERTAIN you have all of your prerequisites! Some really, really smart people did not make the cut for lack of a course or two.
274 Posts
I just started in CARE also. I'm not sure how much it's going to end up costing either but take a look at the link beejaycee gave above, then add another Fall and Spring onto it. That's how I decided how much to set aside for tuition (I set aside around $9500 just to be safe). Keep in mind, that's just tuition and fees.
As for making sure you have all the required classes, I hold a personal stake here. Don't look at your transcripts and think, "Oh, I have all of it. No problem." I kept doing that then I had a little voice telling me to have a school official check it out. I'm glad I listened. Had I not sat down with someone and combed through my transcript, given them official class descriptions, etc. I wouldn't have been considered.
Also, pre reqs have to be COMPLETE before applying (not in progress). I heard some people were advised otherwise last year, only to be kept waiting on a denial letter. (number 6 on the list)
I will definietly look into the CARE program through the link you provided. I have emailed my transcript to someone at LSU so that she may advise me of what I am missing.
Did you guys apply to more than one school? I am so nervous about this process and I only hope that I get accepted.
64 Posts
I applied to the traditional bsn program and I'm getting nervous because i should find out if i get acceted next month. good luck to those who are applying to the CARE!! :)
I applied and was accepted for Fall 2009 at Charity. Thing with that was I found out about my Charity acceptance in December of 2008 and didn't get my LSU acceptance until May 2009 ao I started advising and all with Charity then dropped everything when I found out I got into LSU :wink2:.
Hi! I am thinking of wether or not to apply for the CARE program. I am currently at Delgado taking 3 Biology courses I need. I am taking the TEAS exam on the 23rd of this month and I am applying to Charity by the 30th of this month. I am so excited to apply but also scared of not getting accepted. I have been looking into the CARE program and I am really interested in it. Do you know how much the entire program costs?
I went and saw the CARE advisor earlier this summer and she said that we didn't need to take the TEAS or any other test since they supposedly measure your ability to perform college-level work and CARE students already have at least an undergrad degree. The funny thing is, I applied to Charity for this spring (I hadn't completed all the pre-reqs to get into CARE this fall) and I never heard back from them. No yes, no no. I called and they said they hadn't received anything but I had the signed certified receipt saying someone had accepted my app. I didn't realize they'd lost my app until after the deadline had passed and by then there was nothing left to do. I'm going to reapply to Charity as a background but I REALLY want to do the CARE program.
By the way, the advisor explained that the reason they will only give you credit for anatomy if you take A&P anywhere else is because they're the only nursing school in the area or state that studies on actual cadavers. I dropped my A&P class as soon as I realized that I'd pretty much have to take it over any way.
We actually work on the cadavers in anatomy, not physiology - those who received credit for anatomy are missing out on working with the cadavers. It seems to be rather difficult to even get credit for anatomy. Most people I know who didn't have to take anatomy took a full 8 credit hours at LSU main campus or have degrees that are very involved with anatomy already.
I and some others took both A & P I and II with labs in preparation for Charity and still had to take both at LSU. That's fine, though because the cadaver experience is worth it. No matter what, everyone in the traditional BSN and CARE programs has to take physiology - it's very tailor-made for the program and like nothing I've ever taken before even though I've had 2 semesters of A&P elsewhere!
26 Posts
Hi nstobe.
I am also applying to the 2010 fall program.
I read all of 2009 posts. I feel like I know all of you! Can you tell me if anyone was accepted with a 3.5? The first time I applied they went by GPA only - all 3.7 and above. I'm reading that it is different now with the interviews. Thanks.
P.S. How many people are left in YOUR class? How is it going?
Hi beejaycee
I am applying to CARE again this year. I read all of your posts and am wondering if you have any words of wisdom now that you all are in full accelerated mode. Also, have you heard what the baseline GPA accepted for your class was? thanks.