Published Oct 3, 2012
2 Posts
Hey there guys,
So I am going to be taking my boards in just 13 days. I have been putting my resume together and trying to apply for jobs. My question is this: most of the jobs say "at least 1 year of experience". Since I did an accelerated program, should I even bother applying if the 1 year of experience is part of the "required" job qualifications? I feel like my resume will just be thrown out because I am a new grad who is soon to take my boards.
267 Posts
What does doing an accelerated program have to do with it? The one year means job experience, nothing to do with school.
Apply anyway. They might just give you a chance...but that won't happen if you don't try.
Hey there guys,So I am going to be taking my boards in just 13 days. I have been putting my resume together and trying to apply for jobs. My question is this: most of the jobs say "at least 1 year of experience". Since I did an accelerated program, should I even bother applying if the 1 year of experience is part of the "required" job qualifications? I feel like my resume will just be thrown out because I am a new grad who is soon to take my boards.Thanks!
141 Posts
Normally if it says experience required, I may not apply, but if it says preferred, I apply; but now a days, apply for everything, it won't hurt.
itsnowornever, BSN, RN
1,029 Posts
Exactly this!!!!!!! If it was required I left it alone if it was preferred I applied! If it was medsurg and a year was required I applied anyway.
The market isn't what it once was. Don't bother applying until you have your license unless your area hospitals are scrambling for nurses. Usually you only apply to new grad places without a license.