Published Sep 28, 2007
7 Posts
I'm using Saunder's to prepare for the boards.
A coworker recommended Exam Cram -- has anyone used that and passed? I think I like Saunder's because it helped me through NS. But not sure of the boards because I keep hearing is different testing style. Hopefully, the content and concepts from Saunders will get me through. I'm using the Comprehensive textbk and the Saunders Q & A, anyone used these books and had success?
I'm also using the straight "A" pharm CD to review pharm.
29 Posts
I just took my test and passed. I only used Exam Cram. Loved having the CD. They have 2 different books. Get the one that has info on the drugs. No your lab values and study your drugs! Good Luck
Congratulations New Nurse:balloons:
Is good to know you used Exam cram ONLY and PASSED!
I have the revised edition with ISBN#: 0-7897-3267-X. Would this be the one that has info on the drugs?
1 Post
i used exam cram also and passed. I also used a little bit of saunders but mostly exam cram. but good luck and study hard
22 Posts
I just now added Exam Cram PN, a nurse at my job recommended it, she said she used it a year ago along with the NCSBN 3wk PN review and passed on her first attempt. She completed a RN program 2mths ago and also said she used Exam Cram RN & NCSBN RN review to prepare, again it worked for her. I think is also encouraging to read the post of others that have used it and found it helpful:uhoh3:
I'm also using Saunders with Suzzane4's plan. That's working well!
Good luck!