Anyone have tips/mnemonics to remember s/s?

Nursing Students General Students


I'm a 1st yr, 1st semester NS. I've been doing ok in my classes so far as far as grades go but I think I would be better off if I could remember the signs and symptoms for many of the topics we cover. For example, tomorrow I have an exam on fluid, electrolyte, acid/base imbalance. So, hypo vs hypervolemia, hypernatrimia vs hyponatremia etc. I usually need a lot of time and repetition to memorize things but, I just get these s/s so mixed up! Anyone have any mneumonics or other techniques to remember these things? I had a lot of trouble when we covered pneumonia, COPD as well.


I recomend getting the memory notebook of nursing volumes 1 and 2 and the diagnostic tests and meds one. It has many pictures you can color of simple things to remember about diseases and meds and signs and symptoms. If you're a visual learner... you'll love it! I got it at the end of my first year of nursing and I wish i had gotten it sooner. These books are amazing. In fact a lot of the things people are writing here can be found in those books as well.

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