Anyone research immunizations?

Nurses Announcements Archive


I am writing a research paper on childhood immunizations; I am evaluating claims that there are specific health risks associated with vaccines. I am focusing my paper on Autism, SIDS, and autoimmune disorders. I have found a great number of reports disproving a link between these disorders and vaccines but I am having difficulty finding many scientific findings supporting anti-immunization activist claims that there is a link. I was wondering if any of you are familliar with fairly recent research that I can use for my paper. Or point me in the right direction for resources. I find that most of the anti-immunization activists lack the scientific studies to support their position...I am still looking for a report that proves a strong connection. Any help is greatly appreciated.



The forum does not allow research on these sites. terms of service are at the bottom of this page.

My suggestion would be to enter into a search engine like a phrase such as anti immunization and you should get several hundred sites. As far as pro immunization the CDC site has a lot on that.

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