Anyone really love where they work?

U.S.A. Massachusetts


Hi, new grad here (May '06). In August, I started out on a cardiac stepdown unit at a pretty big hospital here in MA. Passed the critical care course and will soon be off orientation. The problem is, that I have been having one of the worst experiences of my life at this hospital. It's a loooong story, but what it basically comes down to is that I get treated like absolute dirt by the majority of my co-workers, and management. I may be a new nurse, but this is not my first career. I've never had problems with my coworkers elsewhere, and I can't believe I'm being treated like this! This is way beyond the normal "hazing" type stuff new grads go through too. In fact there's about 10 new grads on the unit and none of them get treated this way. It's gotten to the point where I'm second guessing myself, my ability as a nurse and my choice to become a nurse. People who know me are telling me that what they're doing to me is total BS and that I'm a great nurse, but the negativity is really getting to me. I absolutely DREAD going to work every day, not because of the actual work, which I love, but because of the people. My patients love me and I love being a nurse but I can't stand working there anymore. So I was wondering, who out there is pretty satisfied with their work environment and the general attitude of their co-workers. I would love to know where these hospitals are, as I'm thinking I need to start sending out some resumes! Any advice would be hugely appreciated.

Job Search Update: 11/30/06.

Well, still nothing yet. Although someone from this forum did offer me the name of a contact at one of my "dream hospitals". This was just yesterday, so I don't know how that'll end up. So any positive thoughtss, please send them my way! And thanks for checking up on me;)

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