Published Jul 27, 2007
135 Posts
I am just curious if anyone here is currently in or has been in the nursing program at WSU. I am still a few semesters away from applying but was wanting to know what to expect as far as waiting lists and the interview process. Thanks for any information.
61 Posts
Hi! I am in the program right now, getting ready to start my 4th semester. The admissions process has changed I know since I started - I believe they are doing an interview now, but I'm not sure what else. I would call and ask for an information packet or even seen if you can meet with an advisor. They can give you a piece of paper that will have all of the information regarding pre-req's that is a check sheet so its pretty convenient so you can check off the classes as they go. I want to say they require some volunteer work too but I'm not for sure.
As for the waiting list, there were about 120 people that applied when I did and they admitted 60 if that gives you any idea. You do have to take the TEAS test before you are accepted. There is a book to study for it in the WSU bookstore and its pretty much like the ACT from high school, it has math, science, english, and something else...its been a while! Grades are pretty important as well, with science being the most important. I got a C in anatomy and phys the first time, and they suggested I retake it so I did and got an A the second time so that helped I'm sure. If you have any other questions, let me know, you can PM me or just message me back on here, I'll try to check it, I've been bad about that lately! Good luck and let us know how it goes!:monkeydance:
Thanks so much for your reply. I have the info packet from them. I saw on the website that they now require an interview. I haven't taken any of my science courses yet because they scare me.:uhoh21: How was the TEAS? I have the study guide already but haven't really studied for it. I still have a lot of pre-reqs to finish. I didn't see anything about volunteer work. I will have to check into that. How are the clinicals? Where do you do most of them at?
Thanks for answering my questions. I really appreciate it.:)
Don't worry about your pre-req's they aren't that bad! I literally passed high school chemistry with a 60.1, I didn't understand it at all, but i passed it in college with a 97 and really understood it. I took all of my pre-req's at Butler and Cowley because it was cheaper than WSU and I had good teachers for all of my classes, but so does WSU - most of my friends did their req's here and they did well too.
The TEAS was ok, I did ok on my ACT's - I waited until my senior year and did it once, but did average on everything except math, I think I got a 19 (that has never been my strong suit) but I did fine, as long as you do the work book you will be ok. There is quite a bit of math 1st semester, that they go over with you in class, and you do have a math test you have to pass before each clinical that you have but they send you a study guide before hand so its not too bad!
Clinicals are really fun, you are at a variety of places throughout the 2 years. 1st semester you are only out for 4 days the whole semester (its more focused on getting book smart stuff) but you go to a nursing home and take health histories on patients. 2nd semester you go out every week, alternating the secondary care 2 days a week(med-surg units) with mental health 2 days a week(Via Christi's Good Shephard campus is where I went). Mental Health was REALLY fun even though I was scared to death, the people are really great. 3rd semester you have Tertiary care 2 days a week(I was in Hutchinson and we were on Med Surg, Orthopedics, and Telemetry, but they had Wichita hospitals too), You also have OB one day a week (you go to Wesley) and Pediatrics one day a week (either St. Francis or Wesley). Also, with OB and peds, you have half of the semester in "community" which for peds was with a school nurse, and OB is usually in a clinic, and the other half is in the hospital. 4th semester I have critical care at Wesley (ICU's) and Care of Populations (not sure what that one is exactly....should be fun!) Sometimes you will have Saturday clinicals for 12 hours (I did 3rd and again 4th semester). Not exactly what I wanted but, you have to do what you have to do. I love it so I can't complain.
Anyways, what I'm trying to say in all of that rambling is have fun and the biggest thing is you have to be willing to jump in and do things otherwise you won't learn anything! Yes, it is very nerve wracking the first time you do an IV(you won't do that until 2nd semester), or put in a catheter, but the nurse or instructor is there with you, and they are all really good. Yes you will mess up, everyone does. One big tip - get organized BEFORE HAND. It took me 2 semesters to get my "brain sheet" figured out - the thing you write everything down on, pt. name, room number, doctor, diagnosis, etc. but I'm picky so that could be just me... Sorry I blabed so much - I knew NOTHING going in and really wish I had SOME clue so I want everyone to know everything! If you have any other questions just let me know!
Thanks so much for all of the great information. I am also taking some of my pre-reqs at Butler. I like that they offer online courses. I will probably start taking classes at WSU next year. Your ACT scores sound about like mine so that makes me feel better. :) I was surprised that they had you do clinicals in Hutch. But I guess they probably only have so much room in Wichita.
Anyways thanks so much! I am the type of person that likes to have as much info before hand as possible.
Oh one more question. When did you apply? How many of your classes did you have left?
I was in my second to last semester of pre-req's when I applied - they have a deadline on the application that you can download from the wichita state website. I took the TEAS on Oct. 1, found out I was in on the 18th of October 05, then started classes in January 2006. Let me know if you come up with any other questions!
Thanks so much for answering my questions! I will let you know if I have anymore.:)
45 Posts
Is there anyone here starting in WSU nursing in January 2008?
17 Posts
I have met with a counselor at WSU, but I can't remember if they use the actual TEAS score as a factor in admissions, or if they just examine whether you were in the acceptable range. Any thoughts on this? I know that some schools actually use the test score to determine order of admissions for their applicants, rather than as a general indicator of knowledge. Does that make sense?
WSU only requires you to pass the TEAS.
Thanks for the quick reply! That is good to know.
No problem. Are you taking your pre-reqs at WSU? How far along are you?