Anyone knows about Adventist HealthCare?

U.S.A. Maryland


Hi Everyone,

Im a foreign grad nurse considered as new grad here in the US. I've been applying for new grad progrmas in DC for 6 months but WHC, Children's and Sibley didn't even consider me for an interview. I widened my options and luckilly, Adventist Behavioral Health in Rockville interviewed me, and now I'm on the background check process. I'l be working as psych nurse in an acute care setting as what was said during the interview.

Does anyone know anything about Adventist Behavioral in Rockville, or Adventist Healthcare?

I dont want to be choosy, especially in times like this that DC hospitals seemingly are looking for something that my resume may not have, or should I say, there's a tough competition in the region.

I'll greatly appreciate any info.


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