Published Jan 19, 2006
1 Post
Hi, Im new here. Im a RN, I´we been working In Sweden for almost 4 yrs now, and I feel like its time to see something else.
Im having thoughts about becoming an over seas nurse in US, Los Angeles is my goal.
I want to know if anyone of you guys ever did this, and if so.. I have some questions;
*How did you aply? What program did you join?
*How long did it take you to compleet the aplication? .. From the day you first aplyed, untill you was finaly there..?
*Whats your experiences of working abroad?
*How did it work out for you socialy, did you make friendes?
*Did you get as much money (saliry) that you expected?
*How much did it cost you to aply?
I so want to do this.. :)
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
I took the liberty of moving your post to the International Forum, where you will find many that have the same goals as you, and those that have already attained that goal.
There are some stickies at the top of the forum, they will give you all of the information that you will need.
Please let me know if you have any more questions.............:balloons: