Anyone Interview???

Nursing Students General Students


Specializes in Med-Surg/ ICU.

Hi Everyone!!

Just curious how many had to interview as part of the admissions process to get into your school. Out of about 200 applicants, 75 are chosen to interview and then 50 are chosen for the program. I am so nervous. My interview is next Monday and I am looking for some tips and ideas. We are interviewing at the hospital who we are required to sign a two year contract. Any tips would be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much.

At the college I went to, I had to have an interview. They stopped the interview part of the process the following year. My interview went a little crazy. The community college actually as a couple different campuses. I wanted to attend the one in my home town but the main campus is in another town, which is a hour away. Well, I had an interview at 9am to get int he program and I figured I had to interview at the main campus. I get there and no one is around at all. Finally the nursing program secretary stated they were at the other campus conducting the interviews. Ugh! She called them and rescheduled for 2pm. I laughed all the way to my car. I get back to town and later go to the interview. I don't remember the first question but I remember apologizing for not showing up to the interview as scheduled. They asked me how that make me feel. Told them I laughed all the way to my car. The interview process gives you up to 4 points. They gave me the max, 4! I was shocked. Funny how things go.

Two years later I graduated from nursing school and this coming 13th I'll be taking the NCLEX-RN. Good luck to you.


Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

in general, you want to treat a nursing school interview very much like a job interview. first of all, be acquainted with a few adjectives.

initiative - autonomy

dynamism - energy


orientation to the client and co-workers (ability to provide customer service)

learning capacity


high adaptability - flexibility


team work

tolerance to pressure

analytic ability

professional development

from those be able to have an idea, in your mind, of what characteristics make a good rn because there's probably a 99% chance you are going to be asked that. you are also, most likely going to be asked what your strong points and weak points are. again, there's the list to choose from.

i have a bank of interview questions. i chose ones that i thought would be appropriate for a nursing school interview. there's no way of knowing what you are going to be asked. you may be asked about things you put on your application, so i hope you kept a copy of it. if you had to write an essay for your application, make sure you read it over again and be able to answer questions about what you wrote.

here are some other questions they might ask that you should be prepared for:

what do you think makes nursing the right career for you?

what are your professional objectives in the future?

how do you manage work stress?

how would you express your frustration?

how do you react when someone criticizes you?

why are you leaving your current career?

what did you get compliments on in your last job (or career)?

what do you consider to be important characteristics in a nurse?

in what area of your current job are you outstanding?

in what area of your current job are you not very good at?

what obligations do you have as a student?

what obligations do instructors have to a student?

what are your favorite subjects?

what were the subjects in which you had more difficulties? how did you solve these difficulties?

what were your most difficult assignment as a student?

do you know any nurses? what do you admire about them?

what kind of a leader are you? please, give examples.

tell me about some situation in which you couldn't overcome a difficulty, how did you feel?

why do you think you couldn't do it?

describe a situation in which you have made a mistake and how did you manage it?

can you describe a situation in which you have had to work on a project with a group of people and some of the others just didn't pull their weight?

tell me about a time in which. . .

you were creative to solve a problem.

you convinced the members of your team to do thing the way you proposed them.

you once had to take an unpopular measure in your position.

you were tolerant with a radically different opinion from yours.

you were not satisfied with your own behavior.

you had to deal with an irritable client (or person).

what do you know about our nursing program?

what interests you about our nursing school?

what are your best qualities that will make you a good nurse?

do you have any characteristic or ability that would make us consider you better than the other candidates?

why should be take you on as a student in our nursing program?

why do you want to get into the field of nursing?

are you often absent from work?

how do you face tasks you dislike?

how do you react to the critics if you think they are not justified?

how do you accept dressing codes?

what have you learned from your mistakes?

describe the perfect nurse.

how would a friend of yours describe you?

what do you think about policies and rules?

do you consider yourself a person with self-initiative?

do you have an analytical mind?

are you interested in the investigation?

what do you do when you have difficulties solving a problem?

what is the most boring task you have ever performed? how did you manage it?

what is the most interesting task you have ever performed? how did you manage it?

what are the requirements for a person to succeed in nursing?

is there anyone who has inspired you to become a nurse?

what would you do if you saw another nursing student doing something they weren't supposed to do with a patient?

what would you do if you saw a fellow nursing student taking home some stuff from the school?

have you ever trained anyone at a job you had? how did it go?

how do you tolerate mistakes made by other people?

what about you will change by becoming a nurse?

how do you picture yourself in 3 years? how are you currently preparing yourself for that?

how important is the salary of a nurse?

is there anything else i should know about you?

in your opinion, what would be the main reason to choose you?

up to now we have talked a lot about you; do you have any question for me?

questions you might want to ask

what is the criterion you will use to select the person you are looking for?

what are some of the problems that nursing students often have to face?

what kind of support can i expect from the instructors?

what kind of advice would you give to me as to how to prepare for my first day of nursing school?

when will you make a decision on who you will be accepting? how and when will i be notified? - questions you'll be asked

Specializes in Med-Surg/ ICU.

Wow thank you sooooo much!!!! I appreciate you guys taking the time to respond!!! Sooo helpful!

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