Published May 16, 2012
124 Posts
Just wondering if anyone has heard from Barry lately on if there is an interview this month or in June? I sent in all my stuff in april and was told it was sent for review about 2 weeks ago. It is driving me crazy waiting to hear :) I have heard of one person receiving a rejection email, but that is it!
34 Posts
Hi- I just wanted to let you know that I got a call to interview at Barry for June 5th this month. I also submitted my application in April and got confirmation about 2-3 weeks ago that my application was being reviewed. I hope you get your call soon!!! Keep us posted and good luck!!
I actually got the call a few hours ago too, BUT its during the one week I'm going to be out of the country...I never go on vacation either lol fml!!!
I am extremely excited to interview!! What did you do for your chemistry requirement? I found out when they called for the interview that I need to take chem before I can register for the head start program in the fall. I really want to be able to at least give myself the opportunity to be enrolled in the program so would like to do the chem requirement this summer. I have looked online but I haven't found too much. What did you do or other people do?
When did you end up scheduling your interview? Have you put much thought into what clinical site you might go to?