Anyone have any idea how to get a job at HSS residency program.....

U.S.A. New York


Hi my fellow nurses... I'm a new graduate and passed my NCLEX in Nov. My dream and goal is to be an OR nurse.... I have been trying to apply to HSS but there hasn't been any posting online for the residency program... I like what the hospital stands for because it is a teaching hospital especially for nurses.... Does anyone have any idea of how I can find out about HSS residency program? Please let me know I would really appreciate it:)

I applied for the PACU residency last week but haven't heard from them since. Do you happen to remember how long after you applied you were contacted to set up an interview? I've also heard all programs have the same start date.

Thanks for any info.

Hi Fisher1015,

I applied the first week of December and was contacted nearly a month after. Just wait, maybe they are still calling people. Do you know when is the program's starting day?


I believe the start date for all the programs is March 7th.


I just wanted to give an update. I made it to the panel interview. The person who called me to set up a date told they will be conducting panel interviews on January 25th, 26th, and 27th for the PACU residency. I just wanted to see if anyone had any advice to give. I am really nervous about group interviews. Can anyone give any useful advice? and does anyone know how many spots do they need to fill out for this particular residency?

Thanks in advance!

I used to hate the idea of panel interviews until I actually had them. The good thing about them is that since there are more people, you have a better chance of connecting with someone and feeling comfortable. Hopefully someone on the panel will have a friendly demeanor or just someone you feel more comfortable around. You can concentrate/look at that person more often when you feel too stressed.

Also, try really hard to remember everyone's names and get business cards after.

how did your interview go, did they indicate when they will let you know the outcome? I am interested in applying to HSS

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