Anyone heard anything from CCSN for fall adn selection?

U.S.A. Nevada


Specializes in CNA, RN Student.

I am waiting to hear from them, they always tell me second week in july..... that is light years away. Has anyone else heard anything?

Specializes in ob/gyn med /surg.

gee i hope you get in i just graduated from that program.. when i started 400 applied and 86 got in... good luck and let us know

Specializes in CNA, RN Student.

thanks kizzykat and CONGRATS on your graduation! Have you taken your NCLEX yet? I hope I will be where you're at in a couple years! Much respect to you!

I know last fall it was something like 800+ who applied and only 124 got in the lowest points accepted was 21. This fall they said it was 422 applicants and 136 will be accepted. The difference is that this year you didn't have to have your NLN score submitted by application deadline, only by completion deadline. So they were saying that some of the 422 didn't even really qualify by completion deadline, and that's not including those who did qualify but didn't have their 224, 251, com, history's/political science. I'm hoping that makes the chances a little bit greater for someone like me who does. It's my first time applying so I won't be devastated if I don't get it. I've made a back up plan to take some of the BSN required classes if I don't get in so I can get some of them out of the way for after I finish my ADN.

Do you have any advice for the nursing program at CCSN? Any teachers to look out for?

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