Anyone have feedback on Clackamas online Microbiology?


I am signed up to take online Microbiology at Clackamas next quarter. Has anyone else taken it? Any feedback? Well organized? Ease of class? Anything you can tell me will be helpful! Thnks

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Are you referig to Clackamas Community College in Oregon?

Yes, Clackamas Community College in Oregon. It has one online section that has been taught by the same professor for the last few years.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

I didn't take the online class, but I did take Micro with the same teacher. She said the material is the same, she didnt do a lot of lecture, because it is a lab/lecture combinded class, and they post pics of the specimens on line that you need to see. It is a lot of work. A&P and Micro really should be 5 credit classes because the amount of time that you have to put into them. Also when the instructors say you must have a 91% to get an A, she means it and will not bend at all. I had a 90.7% and had a B, there is no extra credit. She is a very instructor and will take the time to answer your questions and help you, but that is the one rule she will not change.

If you like online classes and can work on your own, you should be okay, but there is a lot of work involved with the class. Good luck

Thanks for your quick feedback. I actually started the class last year and felt overwhelmed by it in terms of all the little assignments. I prefer longer, more indepth assignments to short ones where the student needs to work with other students (the online atmosphere is not always conducive to collaborative work). I did like, though, that it's a quick class, and I really need to be done ASAP to be competitive for my intended program. When I read that you were so close to an A and got a B, it really discouraged me. I'm sorry to hear that. I think I'll continue to look for other options but will stay registered, just in case.

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