Anyone ever challenge the NCLEX-PN????


What classes do you need to complete to be eligible to challenge this exam if you are enrolled in a RN program?

Typically one is eligible after completing 50% of the RN program. Find out from your Board if this is allowed, then find out if your school will sign off on your application. Not all schools cooperate.

I was able to challenge the NCLEX PN after the third semester of a ADN program @ chipola college in Marianna, Fl. Basically you need to have completed mental health, Fund, Med Surg 1, and a basic OB/Ped. The program director can either send an email to the FBON or write a letter stating that at this point you have met the requirements to sit for the PNEQU. At the college I go to they sent a email with all the eligible students..

Hope that helps.....also if you do sit and do not pass you wont be able to recieve the letter to practice as a graduate nurse. you would have to wait till u complete and pass the NCLEXRN


I'm pretty new to this but I have a similar issue as ****blessed****. In my case, I went through the whole ADN program in Lecanto FL, finished the whole nursing up till NURS IV (the very last semester fo the the ADN), took and passed all the exams and then failed the finals really bad; test anxiety got the best of me :(. I "dusted" myself up and resolved to just take the LPN exam and bridge to RN maybe later next year. Well, to down my self esteem even more, the dean of my college wouldn't sign that form (page 21 of the application) that say I have met all the equivalent requirements needed to take the NLCEX-PN. According to the dean, even though RN program is much more rigorous than the LPN program, the dean still thinks I AM NOT COMPETENT.

I heard you could challenge the exam but I don't know how in the state of FL. Any help or advice would be appreciated! Pls HELP!!!....I'm frustrated and tired of trying so hard.....

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