Anyone else off-track?

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Hello everyone! I just joined yesterday... looking forward to meeting you all. :)

I'm going into my last year of my BSN program. I just wanted to see how many other people are off-track in their programs, for whatever reason. My reason is that I broke my ankle in my first semester, and since I couldn't do clinicals on crutches, I had to wait an entire year for the program to start over again. Also, I'd like to know how you handled it. I took it very hard. I still get upset about it, and it's going on 2 years since it happened. It was really hard to know that all my classmates were graduating while I was just finishing my second semester. I've also completely lost my interest in nursing, but I don't know if that's related to being off-track or not. When I first started, I was on the phone with my family and boyfriend all the time, telling them all the cool stuff I was learning and how much I loved it. But since I've started over again, I've hated it. I dread going to clinicals and I cram the material into myself just to pass the classes. I want to finish the program and get my BSN, because I've worked so hard to stay in it and because I have always had an interest in the healthcare field. I'm hoping that this is just a temporary lack of interest, and that when I graduate and I can choose exactly where and who I want to work with, I'll start enjoying it again.

So... if something similar happened to you, how did you handle it? Does it still bother you, or am I abnormal for still carrying this around with me? Did you lose your passion for nursing? Any words of advice on how to lift my spirits a little so it won't be torture from now until graduation? I'm reaching out to you all because I've found that people not in nursing (and even some IN nursing) cannot relate to this situation at all. Maybe some of you can. :)

Thanks in advance. :heartbeat

Welcome to allnurses!!;)

It sounds to me like you just got the "wind knocked out of your sails". You lost that initial excitement due to your disappointment. If the desire and drive to be a nurse was true it will come back and you will be so glad you stuck it out.

Hang in there and try not to get so caught up on a date. Try to remember your inital excitement and why you were so excited in the first place. I think if you can go back to that place in your heart you will begin to feel happy about class again. You are here for a reason and obviously you haven't given up yet and are looking for a reason to hang on. Hang on because you waited that year and have worked your butt off to get where you are right now. We all have our ups and downs and hopefully you will find a way to get your self out of this rut you are in right now. Just remember that life is what we make of it and we choose to be happy or sad - CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY!

Goodluck and I hope everything works out for you.

Thank you... I'm sure you all are right. I need to stop obsessing over this. It was just so frustrating when it happened, and to think that I spent so much time and effort trying to stay in the program, when now I'm not even sure that nursing is really what I want to do.... I'm going to make a conscious effort to try to remember why I wanted to get into nursing in the first place. And to be happy. :) Only 2 more semesters...

Thanks for the kind advice.:heartbeat

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