Nurses General Nursing
Published Mar 5, 2007
chenoaspirit, ASN, RN
1,010 Posts
I am at my wits end. I always helped the assistants with their jobs because I tried to let them know I think of them as a team member, that I dont want to "boss" them. I dont do well with delegating. I never ask them to do anything unless I absolutely am unable to do it by myself. So I stay pretty busy all night. As I would walk down the hallway, I would grab all the trash bags from the hallway they had thrown there as they emptied the trash cans and take them to the dirty utility room (I was going that way anyway). If I was caught up, I would help them do the blood draws, etc. Well, the other night I needed help changing a patient who had a BM and was a complete care. I tried to do it myself, but couldnt. I asked for help, and she got mad and hid from me! I had to ask a fellow nurse to help me. This same assistant yelled at me when I asked her to help restrain a combative patient so I could restart his IV. I now have stopped helping her. I really dont have time anyway, trying to do my job and hers too. Well, I guess that IS helping her though, isnt it. All I want is to be a member of a team who has the same goal....good patient care, working together to provide it. When I tried to discuss it in a mature manner she got upset and yelled again. One time she was cleaning up BM from a patient, got it on the floor, slung the poop on the wall with the mop and was crying saying "Im tired of cleaning up sh!$!" All this happened in front of the patient and he felt horrified. I told her to leave the room, that I would take care of it. Instead she kept crying and slinging poop on the walls and yelling - making the patient feel worse. I have gone to the NM with no outcome. The NM cant afford to lose anymore workers because we are already short staffed. If I change jobs, I will have to drive a minimum of 45 minutes one way. How do you deal with assistants who treat you like that. I am the only one she treats like that and I am the ONLY ONE who tried to help her.
Oh, and there is no "write-up" procedure. We dont have the option to write up anyone.
WingsEarned21, LPN, RN
65 Posts
I too try to help the assistants for the same reason .Fortunately I gain respect from them and have never had any of them treat me like that.I for one though have watched it happen to other nurses and think that after 21 years I have had enough of the bs and would report them to the state just like we would be for verbal abuse.They are state tested and I believe if they can be state tested then they can be reported just like the rest of us.If she is tired of her job then help her find a new one flipping burgers somewhere.