Anyone currently on the GA State Nursing Program?

Nursing Students General Students


I'll be applying soon and I'm really stressing about it. My GPA is not really the best, I have completed over 100 hours of hospital volunteer service, and my overall NET was 76%. Is this good? Also, how much do you think recommendation letters count? And should I take summer classes?

Specializes in Endoscopy/MICU/SICU.

Well, they look at your degree classes, not just your overall GPA. What is your GPA for all of the degree classes? What about your science prereqs? If you're not doing well in your sciences, hate to say it, but you don't have a great shot. Volunteer service and rec letters are great, but I think they use those to compare people that they're deciding between. If you have low science grades, consider taking summer classes to retake those. Good luck!!

I have a 3.8 GPA on my science prereqs. Also, the overall 76% on the NET, I'm thinking about taking it again. I have a 90% on the math but the reading is a 64% which is what's hurting me. Is it worth taking it again?

Specializes in Endoscopy/MICU/SICU.

That's a great science GPA. I would probably take the NET again and see if you can get above an 80. The reading score could possibly hurt you. I'd say if you do the NET again and get your score up, you've got a great shot. Also, if you don't get in the first time, apply again. They let a lot of people in on their second time applying.

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