Published May 11, 2009
10 Posts
I posted this same question on another area and didn't get any responses - hope there's a BCC student here who can answer my question!!!
I just received my acceptance letter for the Aug 2009 class. But, I can't find the class schedule. I received my letter on Thursday; campus closed Fri-Sun; anxiously called the campus today and was told that the person who can tell me this info is on jury duty. All I could find is the classes are M-Th (scheduled anywhere between 7:30a and 4:00p) with a 12 hr clinical on Friday. I need a more definitive estimation of the time. Can anyone tell me what times you have class M-Th?
Since I applied to the program, my mother's medical condition has unexpectedly declined (dementia & uncontrolled diabetes). I am trying to figure out what I need to do to ensure she is cared for while I am in class. Time of classes has a lot to do with this (i.e. how much home health care I'll need to provide for her insulin,
Thanks for any help you can provide. Otherwise, I'm just sitting here biting my nails and being useless until the person from BCC is available.
Why is this such an elusive question? I just can't fathom why no-one at the school can give me this answer except the single point of contact (who is out on jury duty). Are nursing programs unpredictable and set schedules not typical? I thought BCC had a fairly established program....