Anyone appying or applied to RN program at West Ga Tech?


I just finished up applying at West Ga Tech for the RN program at the Murphy Campus beginning in fall. Has anyone applied recently or just applied? Wondering what your scores were and any tips you may have?

I have also recently applied to the Murphy campus. Now to wait and wait...

Congrats on getting to this point and good luck! Do you mind me asking your scores? I made an 80 on the Teas and have a 3.8 grade average (had 1 B in ENG). I am a nervous wreck waiting LOL.

Awesome stats! I applied with a 3.9 gpa and a teas of 70.7. I know my teas score isn't that high but I am hoping my high gpa is will compensate for my low teas score. I also qualified for one extra bonus point for having 6 month clinical experience.

Have you got an email with your competitive selection score yet?

No I haven't yet! I have been checking every day. Have you got yours yet?

I haven't received an email either. Been checking all afternoon. I've talked to another girl who applied and she received her email at noon today.

A girl named Kayla just wrote me from one of my classes and said she had received hers too. Surely it will come tomorrow since a lot got theirs today. I believe I computed mine right but still am so anxious to get it from the school. I am a nervous wreck about making it in.

I'm currently an RN student at West Ga Tech at the Murphy Campus. I'm in my 3rd semester (Psych), and I will be a senior nursing student starting in the fall. I applied w/ a 3.9 GPA and an 80 on my TEAS, and I also received 1 extra point for work experience. My competitive selection score was an 89, and I was accepted. It all just depends on how you do compared w/ everyone that applied. Last year, the people who were accepted typically had a competitive selection score of 85 or higher. So, it basically depends on each individual group of applicants each year. Good luck to all of you! You will love the program. It is challenging at times, but you will love it. Best wishes & hope to see you all this fall! :)

I still haven't received my competitive selection score. I've been stalking my email and still nothing.

Thanks for the info! Cannot wait to find out if I made it!

Kristie lynn

My competitive selection score is an 82? Have you received yours yet?

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