Anyone applying for Cypress College for Spring 2017

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello Future Nurses!

I am applying to Cypress College ADN program for the Spring 2017 semester. Are you?

The on line application date is from September 1st to 10th only and than you can walk-in two copies of each of your official transcripts to the office by Oct. 1st or so.

I have heard good things about this program and have a friend went through the program at age 48 or so. Use address below for more info!

Registered Nursing

Getting into Nursing School is tough, but we have to be tougher and NEVER EVER GIVE UP on what we want. I will not regret not becoming an RN one day because soon enough I will be an RN!

You are all in my prayers! YOU CAN DO THIS! :) NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD and I believe and have seen in my own life that GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES!

So...take those classes, repeat them if you have to, kick butt and get A's and B's, and fill out those Nursing Applications!

I have seen too many people change their majors just because they are failing Chemistry or another class in the middle of the semester, its rediculous. Let us never give up on our dreams and what we know that we are called to do! YOLO! :) (you only live once!)



I know the feeling wish we could find out already! In the mean time I'm looking forward to orientation í ½í¹‚

For those of you who got accepted, are you guys buying the textbooks as new or used?

Hello Fellow Future RN's,

I know it has been awhile since I started this post and last commented. School and work have been very time consuming as expected! :) Thank you all for your replies and comm ents and helpful tips. I love the AllNurses Community!

Congratulations to all of you who made it into the program and to those who made it on the Alternate list! That is so awesome! When you start please put your all into the nursing program, you may miss out on several things for the next two years, but it will be worth it and YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!

I have good news and not so good news in my case: I did not get in as a first semester student to the RN program, however, I AM ON THE WAITING LIST :) to start in the second semester as I was accepted as a Transfer Nursing Student from my previous Nursing Program, YAY! Essentially, when a spot opens up for for me I will start and be done in 3 semesters. I don't know when a spot will open up, but I know it will eventually! I am really excited and I am starting to review for Med Surg and other nursing classes. Nurse BASS on YouTube has a good video on how to study for Med Surge, I took notes and it was a great review for me since I have already taken it.

The Nursing Director, Nursing Academic Counselor and Nursing Front Office are very helpful. They want to help us succeed and it is important that we take Nursing School seriously and make sure that it is what we really want and we are not trying to be a nurse to please someone else.

To be a Nurse is a Calling, I truly agree with this. One of my dear friends who is an RN shared this with me about 6 years ago when she knew I was going back to school to truly pursue a Career as an RN. We met as Medical Assistants several years ago and she was one of my Preceptors (Trainors). She was always very encouraging to me to pursue my ADN.

I want to continue to encourage you, again as in my previous posts, please never ever give up on your dreams, and if your dream is to be a nurse, please keep on keeping on you will get there! As this same RN friend that I mentioned above said to me, when I had struggles and needed to change nursing programs, she said "you just have to get on the right train." For me that means I needed to find the program or the right route to becoming a nurse, for some that means becoming a CNA, MA, or an LVN first (ROP has an excellent 13-14 month LVN program in Orange County, CA: cost about $13,000. note: by 2018 they plan to be approved to accept financial aid through FAFSA). For some that may mean going out of state, or getting a job as a CNA or MA and than getting nursing school paid for from your employer, or finding a great bridge program that they offer to go from becoming an LVN to an RN etc.

Last tip: If you are interested in applying for the SAC- Santa Ana College Nursing program: if you work at St. Joseph's in Orange County (any position- even housekeeping/cooking etc.) and you meet all of the requirements, you will get priority. They offer the employee's night classes and weekend clinicals so that you can keep working while you go to school.

If you are interested in working as a CareGiver (CG) for this company let me know- message me privately if you can and want more info. If you are a nursing student, a CNA, MA, or have had good experience being a caregiver for a family member, this may help you get hired. Basically, I would explain a CG is someone who knows how to do the basics of a CNA as in a nursing home or hospital- ADL's- Activities of Daily Living, etc.

Sending my encouragement and prayers to you! We are on the same team, never forget that, competition will only take you so far, be competitive in getting awesome grades and practical nursing experience, but once you have applied and are in the nursing program, help eachother out- help eachother succeed. We never need to step on someone else to get ahead in life, but we can always use and appreciate the help of others to succeed and be the best we can be! Receive the help and Pay it Forward, you will be blessed and rewarded for it in more ways than you can imagine.

Take good care of yourself as we can't take care of anyone else if we don't take take care of ourselves first... :)



I applied and I got in for Spring 2017. Good luck for as an alternate, I was told that sometimes all the alternates can make it in, or if not, then good luck for the next application!


So I took the TEAS exam too late in order to apply. But my score was a 76.7% and I'll be honest my GPA is okay.

What are the chances of getting in?

I was told cypress is not too hard to get into

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