Anyone in AMEDD's AECP


I would love some insight or info on experiences with the application.

i am a new grad since may 2010. you can contact the clerks for help, but the biggest thing is on you to get your schools together at least five. you can get picked up but you may not get into school. i was not on the primary list, but many people that were did not get into school. my co-worker was one. the program has change greatly. you are a transfer student unless you have been at your school from the start and schools trust their own teaching first and will give a weak resident student the benefit of doubt of future performance. pick five schools and get to know the staff.

I just got accepted into the program, so doing the packet is fresh in my mind. The packet is a massive undertaking. Have you read all the instructions? Start early and ask the program manager lots of questions (try not to ask things that are in the instructions, however - easier said than done when the instructions are 60 pages long!). I had a lot of problems putting the packet together, but that was mostly because of bad luck and things going wrong on my end (horrible longstanding weather that prevented me from taking a PT test - ice on the track!, family problems that forced me to fly halfway across the world right when things were due, etc.). Nevertheless, even with good luck, it will take a LOT of time and a LOT of attention to detail.

I'm not sure what you need to know...I'd be happy to answer any specific questions you have!

Oh, and in regards to aggie nurse's post, it is very tough to get into a program. It's usually like 400 applicants for 40 slots or something. You should start volunteering at a hospital NOW and doing community service now, and of course getting awesome grades and studying for the SAT (if you haven't taken it recently). UW, for instance, requires 100 hours of healthcare volunteer work for their regular program and 200 hours for their accelerated program, but preferably a lot more. That's tough for people already working full time!

I applied at Old Dominion for Fall 2011 and they accepted me. The application was VERY easy to complete. I have a feeling they accept military applicants under a different set of standards than other applicants. I didn't have to send in a resume or letters of recommendation or anything. And they sent all the paperwork that the AECP is going to want from your school without me even asking. Definitely check them out!:up:

I was accepted for FY12 and will be attending school this June. For those of you who are currently attending a nursing program and did so in the past through AECP I have a question concerning tuition and Fees. I know that the AECP cap for tuition is $9000 and it states that they only pay tuition. Did you have to pay any mandatory fees for your school or did AMEDD cover them. If you did have to pay the student fees did you come out of pocket? If not how did you pay for them? My fees are coming out to over $800 a semester and need to know if Im going to have to come out of pocket. Thank you for your help

Hi there... I am currently working on this packet which is due 30 Jun! You aren't kidding I literally have been at this thing for months. I am making great progress but I would love to talk to you more and gather some more insight. I feel like nobody understands how daunting of a task this really is. No one in my chain of command even knows anything about this program so I am basically on my own between what I have gathered from the website and such. I would appreciate any advice... how do you like it so far and where are you going to school?

I don't start school until June. The process is time consuming. But worth it in the end. Still waiting to be put on orders

Just ensure everything required is in the packet and start calling schools now. Apply early if they let you

I myself am also applying for the AECP FY 13. To be honest...i know that this is a competition but I have always worked off the buddy system in accomplishing the same goals. I just starting taking some of the pre-licensed courses (sciences,math,etc.) I know that there are applicants already complete. I was just wondering if there was anyone with some good pointers and ideas to better prep me for the June board?

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