Anymore feedback on the GRX Medical Expert Cardiology CD-27 stethoscope?

Nurses Uniform/Gear


I have only seen a couple of reviews for this stethoscope. Is there anyone else out there who owns this scope or knows someone who does? I am considering this over the Littmans. Any feedback?


Which stethoscope is better between:

1) Littman Classic II SE Scope and GRX Medical CD29

2) GRX Medical CD29 and Littman Master Cardiology

Specializes in ICU.

I have had the cd27 for 18 months now and so I think I can give it a better review than I did earlier. I can hear very well with it but I do have to hold it in place so it is in my ears tight. I don't know if this is what the cd29 change is for. If so that would be great. One thing that didn't bother me so much when I first got it compared to now is the weight. It does start to bug you as it is heavy. It is still a very good steth for the money though.

I recently bought the UC-7 off of ebay and it is nice and light but I couldn't hear hardly anything. The lightweight was nice but you can hear every little move of your stethoscope which makes for loud outside noises. I emailed GRx and I am swapping it out for CD-29. Word to the wise for whoever thinks there stethoscope is heavy because be ready to sacrafice good acoustics.

The scope is heavy. I have had better success with the disposable scopes than I ever have had with the GRX cardiology scope. I got it early in 2009.

Recently, I think my huge nursing textbook landed on the dual head of the scope...and it does not work at all--no turning, no sound conduction.

Sorry to rain your parade.

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