Anybody here UNF alums or current UNF students??



I have a lot of interest in UNF's nursing program and I have looked up a lot of info on the website, but I would really like a couple of questions answered from ACTUAL students or former students there..not the faculty that creates the website because these are kind of personal..

My first question is: How is/was your experience there? Are you happy that you choose to go to UNF for nursing?

Second: Were any of you able to work part-time and keep up in the program? If I go to UNF I will be moving to Jacksonville from my parents house so I will have to factor in the expenses of that so working part-time will be something I need to do. I would be doing the traditional BSN not accelerated. (Yes I know the website says it is recommended that I don't work..but I don't find that practical for most people).

Thanks In Advance Guys :)

I can't just say "bump" on here because it says the message is too short so...


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