Anybody tell me about palpatations?


I kind of know what palpatations are. What I think it is, is when the heart skips a beat and the next beat is irregular and then it gets back in ryhthm. You have a strong flush sensation and a heavy beat feeling. I occasionally have them, maybe one or two a month, but today when exercising I had about 6-7 in a row and had to stop exercising for them to stop. Can anyone give me any info on them. I don't worry about it when I have one here and there, but I had quite a hand full this time. Someone please enlighten me.

Specializes in CVICU, CV Transplant.

If you think you are having palpations of your heart, please go and see your physician immediately.


Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Hello, Jordydan4,

avery is correct. If you think this is happening to you, you need to contact your healthcare provider.

Here is a link from eMedicine regarding palpatations:

We wish you well and hope you pose these questions/concerns to him/her.

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