Any UNf or fccj nursing students?

Nursing Students General Students


Looking for someone to chat with. ?'s about program. I did find one person going to fccj. If u are still there?...are u actually in the program or still taking reqs? I am waiting for my acceptance letters from both schools. 28-married w/ 18m girl, Kiana. Worked in hospital (spd, mm, rad) for 5 years, 1 yr walgreens (certified pharmacy tech). Hope to hear from someone!


Reply to Heather77....

I have very high grades too. I think that helps a lot. It must mean you are smart. I was scared to take the NAT and I just went for it and got 99.2 points. I added that to my points for my GPA and the total was 219.2 I guess people say the cutoff is usually 185, so I feel like I am in a promising position and it sounds like you will prob. be too with good grades.

If you have 219 points you will have no problem getting in. I just finished my 1st semester and I got in with 194...So it certainly won't be a problem for you. Good luck.

CRAZY! I hear that some people who take the NAT on the computer use the computer's calculator. I called up the open campus testing center and asked if it was true and the proctor told me that they would have no way of knowing if students did use the calc. How unfair is that? He also said that some campuses might let students use calculators still. Is this true? Do they allow them with the pencil and paper exam?

do alot of people make it in the nursing program with C's in AP?

how hard is the science section of the Psb NAT? Are there a lot of physics and chemistry questions?

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