Any thoughts about having a baby while in NP program??


Does anyone have any thoughts or experience having a baby while starting an NP program? I am feeling the urge to just do it, since the timing of the baby will be in Aug when I start the program next fall and also have maternity leave of 3 months off work! It may actually be a great transition time! Any thoughts/comments would be appreciated!! :)

Is this your first child? I have two kids and cannot imagine starting any program in the same month a gave birth. I also had c-sections and you don't recover as quickly. However, the first month with each baby seemed to revolve around baby's feeding schedule, getting sleep, remembering to feed myself...

Good luck with whatever you decide!!

Specializes in ER.

My friend had a baby in her 2 nd semester. When u start out a program , they usually start out with general classes( theory, research, Patho) , so i think it's doable. Clinicals usually don't start till later, and thats the hard part. My baby was 6 m when I started my program .

It can definitely be done, you just have to have determination and a good support system. I found out I was pregnant with my first child the first month I was in grad school. Seven months after having the baby I found out we were pregnant again. I finished the ACNP program in under 3 years and kept a really good GPA. Granted, I was able to quit working as a RN before I delivered the first, and have a very supportive husband. Just know that it will be difficult but the rewards of being a parent are worth it. Good luck!

Is it doable--- absolutely!! I have found that nurses (in general) can handle more than most people could ever dream of juggling. Just remember that our babies are only little once. If you are determined and have your mind set to going after this goal, there's nothing that can keep you from doing it later too. Just some food for thought. My daughter graduated high school last year, and I have some regrets of working full-time and also going to school. I was a great role model on how to be a strong & independent woman, but I also missed out on some things. :-(. As long as you can keep a good balance, you'll be golden.

Does anyone have any thoughts or experience having a baby while starting an NP program? I am feeling the urge to just do it, since the timing of the baby will be in Aug when I start the program next fall and also have maternity leave of 3 months off work! It may actually be a great transition time! Any thoughts/comments would be appreciated!! :)

Friend of mine did that during school. She had a good support structure at home and support from the school/class. We helped her when she couldn't make it to class or meetings with notes and stuff. I'm sure it was hard to time manage, but she was able to do it and graduate with us :)

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