Published Apr 18, 2009
19 Posts
:bugeyes:I am 2nd semester of RN school. Grades started out very good. With care plans, simulation, and everything in between, my grades have dropped somewhat. I am terrified of the finals...lots and lots and lots of info to remember. Does any one have any study tips that you want to share? I record, listen to my lecture a second time, along with power points and book..some of the questions asked may be some where in that chapter, but not necessarily covered in lecture, but still the same...I am responsible for just wondering if maybe someone may have another way that would help. Our next test in Peds covers 4 chapters and parts of other chapters..thank you and b blessed:yeah:
134 Posts
The way I study is: First I pay attention in class. Second, I read the chapters in the book and highlight necessary information. Third, I go back over the highlighted material and write it out in my own words.
This is the easiest way for me. I actually get alot of studying done because for me, once I get the topic in my head I just need a little refresher. When I have these couple of pages of notes I just fold them and put them in my pocket and glance at them when I have a spare minute or two.
I save all of my notes from the semester and just read back over them come finals. The final is usually not hard for me because the information that I put in my own words comes back to me fairly easy.
This is just my way of doing it and it helps me alot.
Hope it helps you in someway!
Thanks so much for your time and sharing. I am a writer..not much of a reader for comprehension...soooo, Instead writing first I am gonna read like you said, then write, then maybe go back and listen, if I have time...thank you so much..b blessed:lol2:
68 Posts
Where are you attending NS? Is there alot of math in second semester?
Good luck!
36 Posts
One thing to keep in mind is that generally people do better on a comprehensive final than they do on a general test. The general test is 50 questions all on related material so you have to know a lot about the subject. A comprehensive final is 100 questions on a lot of different material so you can only need a basic knowledge in each area because there are a lot fewer questions per area.