Any FCCJ students?

Nursing Students General Students


Hello, if there are anymore FCCJ students out there I have a few questions.

I had read that the nursing program for evening and weekends start in the fall. I am going to be trying to get into the program starting next Jan. What time does the day program run.? Did you have a hard time getting accepted? How hard is it?



I am so nervous. I do not to well on math or science test like the NAT, but I've been preparing. I'm taking it online at north campus. Is the math mostly arithmetic or word problems? and also is the science general, lots of chemistry & AP or what? Thanks for all of your help!!!!!!!!:) :)

Well I took the NAT Today and did really well. I was so worried about the science part and I did the highest on that ! I also turned in my application to the program today. I was told it'll be 8 weeks from Feb 1st before I know anything. I got about 180 points because of not having my final grades in micro or psych, but if I don't get in summer I should get in fall. I hope, and if not that then Spring. Just wanted to share my news!:roll

Specializes in Neuroscience ICU, CNRN, SCRN.


Congrats! Sounds like you're off to a great start! It's nice to have that part out of the way, isn't it?

And when they say "8 weeks", they really mean 8 weeks. We all expected to hear something by the last week of July, since that was chronologically 8 weeks from our deadline, but the school assumes 4 week months, and they argued that the soonest we should expect to see anything was the 1st week of August...none of us got our acceptance letters til August 6, which also happened to be the "deadline" to RSVP to orientation ( you have to call or come by the campus to let them know about your "intention to register"). And the letters were dated July 31, but postmarked August 5th!

Anyway, it is tough waiting for the letter, but we all go through it. Make sure your immunizations are up to date (tetorifice, MMR, Hep B, TB test, etc.) or have your titers drawn. You will also need a passport sized picture for your files. Those are the only items I can think of right now that I had no idea I'd need until I got to orientation, so I'm trying to give you a "heads up".

Again, congratulations!

I got into the summer program at FCCJ. At first I was denied. I missed the cut off by one point, but I guess some people decided not to attend so I got a call today saying to come to orientation Wednesday. Just had to spread the news.


First of all ... congradulations on your achievement. This is my 1st time accessing this site and I must say that these notes have inspired me. This will be my 4th time applying to Fccj's nursing prog. It is very difficult to get in even w/ my 3.5 GPA. (I didnot know until I met w/ Ms James how the scores were calculated).I recently graduated w/ my A.A on the 8th however I am determined to get into Fccj's prog. When I found out what the cut-off was I was pissed cause I missed it by less than 10 pts. I just need to ask you Michelle, if there is any advice you can give me when I retake the NAT? I have the PSB book, but it doesnt seem to help and I cant remember any of the problems on the NAT Ive previously taken. I know that if I take this time that I am out of school and brush up on some things I can pass it and get in for the fall term which is when the most students are accepted. Any advice Im sure will be beneficial. Again...congrats, and thank you for inspiring me with your notes.


First thing to remember is to not to give up. You will get in when it is your time. They are going to take 144 students this fall so you have a good shot. All I did to prepare for my NAT is the PSB book. I found that it was pretty easy to me. One thing that will help is to be confident when you go in to take it. And take it on the computer. The problems in the PSB book are alot harder than the test so don't think that if you find those hard then you wont successed in a good NAT score. The program looks for you to be in the 50th percentile or higher. My scores we're all in the 70th percentile or higher. Also I'm assuming that with you recieving your AA (Congrats by the way) that you have completed all nursing program preqs. The more you have done the more points you get. I was just finishing micro when I applied and missed the cut off by 1 point. Lucky to me 6 spaces became open and I got into the program this summer. Hope some of this info helps you. If you have anymore questions just let me know.

hey chellelynn,

thanks for the good advice. i have the psb nursing school and allied health book entrance exam book that i will be using to brush up in my weak areas. by me being out of school for the summer, if i use my time wisely, i will get in for the fall. i have been doing a good job w/ this so far. every opportunity i get i am know the best thing i have found about this site is that people are not reluctant on advice giving unlike others who just want it all for themselves. its people like you (who have made it) chellelyn that makes things just a little better for those who stress over things like this. i appreciate your advice and if i have any more questions ... i will get back at cha. do well.... it is your time. i am next! god bless

I got into the summer program at FCCJ. At first I was denied. I missed the cut off by one point, but I guess some people decided not to attend so I got a call today saying to come to orientation Wednesday. Just had to spread the news.


I missed the cut-off by 1 point this time. Talk about pissed! Your words from your last post to me keeps me encouraged, thank you.

Specializes in Periop, CNOR.

one point! Arrgh! :) Hang in there. I am days from being done. FCCJ has been a good program that has the potential to be great IMO. Still making some adjustments along the way but the faculty has their heart in it. Good luck to all of you!!! PM me for the instructors to avoid, lol. ;) :D


First thing to remember is to not to give up. You will get in when it is your time. They are going to take 144 students this fall so you have a good shot. All I did to prepare for my NAT is the PSB book. I found that it was pretty easy to me. One thing that will help is to be confident when you go in to take it. And take it on the computer. The problems in the PSB book are alot harder than the test so don't think that if you find those hard then you wont successed in a good NAT score. The program looks for you to be in the 50th percentile or higher. My scores we're all in the 70th percentile or higher. Also I'm assuming that with you recieving your AA (Congrats by the way) that you have completed all nursing program preqs. The more you have done the more points you get. I was just finishing micro when I applied and missed the cut off by 1 point. Lucky to me 6 spaces became open and I got into the program this summer. Hope some of this info helps you. If you have anymore questions just let me know.

Last week, I was admitted into Baptist Hospital. My lungs collapsed and I was just released today after a whole week. After I got my denial letter from FCCJ cause I missed the cut-off by 1 point...I went into some sort of depression. I was staying up all nite studying for this program that I hadnt even been accepted into. I cant explain how much it means to me, these students and nurses kept my head on right, keeping me hopeful. I was so saddened cause I felt like I had been thru so much for nothing. Chellelynn, I wanted you to be one of the 1st to say "thank you" for your encouraging words. I kept remembering what you wrote me and all the other on this forum and I begin to pray and tell God thank you for bringing thus far and having people I dont even know or seen inspiring me. Before I start crying, I want to say sincerely " thank you" for your words. I got my phone call today as I was in my hospital bed getting ready to be discharged. I have been accepted! My nurses came rushing into my room wondering why my heart rate was so rapid. I had to calm down before they'd let me leave. I am so tired and weak right now. Orientation is Aug 12. I will be there before anyone else gets there. My dream have finally come true. I can really say I will surely appreciate it when I start. I am going now, I need to get rest! Pray for me everyone who reads this post, as I have been praying for all those in the same shoes as I was. And no matter what....NEVER GIVE UP ON WHAT YOU BELIEVE. With God, All things are possible. Thanks Chellelynn girl.... God is truly gonna bless you.

one point! Arrgh! :) Hang in there. I am days from being done. FCCJ has been a good program that has the potential to be great IMO. Still making some adjustments along the way but the faculty has their heart in it. Good luck to all of you!!! PM me for the instructors to avoid, lol. ;) :D

Read my previous message....its for you too. Thank you.

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