I'm always lurking around on here.. i haven't seen anyone, as of yet, really post anything about the fast [very fast] approaching boards for the next fiscal year. im just curious who else out there is planning on submitting a packet? how many years experience? specialty/area of interest?
i myself am a pretty new nurse, i'll have a solid 6 months experience by the time the board meets. Ive got 3 months in general surgery/oncology and am in the poccess of switching over to a neuro trauma stepdown. i know how competitive things are anymore, and that the odds are more or less.. not in my favor. I applied last year while i was still a student, but too close to graduation for the ANCP, So i know the market for new[er] graduates isn't very good. im not really sure at this point if its my sheer determination or stubbornness thats driving me even hard this year..
Im hoping that not giving up and trying again at least says something?
Here's to better luck this year!