An organization you should know about


Specializes in Informatics, Education, and Oncology.

the markle foundation's mission:

emerging information and communication technologies possess enormous potential to improve people's lives. the merkle foundation works to realize this potential by accelerating the use of these technologies to address critical public needs, particularly in the areas of health and national security.


the overarching goal of the markle foundation's health program is to accelerate the rate at which information technology enables consumers and the health system that supports them to improve health and healthcare.

the effective use of it in health care presents an opportunity to move critical medical information where and when it is needed in a secure and private manner. the markle foundation's health program is dedicated to ensuring that the primary beneficiary of this opportunity is the patient. bringing electronic connectivity to health care has the potential to empower patients by allowing them to control their own medical records in a secure and private manner. medical records could be accessible according to the needs of the patient, accessible even if the patient changes doctors, hospitals or health insurers. such a system would allow patients to become more active participants in their own health care, creating a new and powerful partnership between patients and physicians. in addition, such a system would also improve the quality of care, reduce medical errors and help stabilize the rapidly rising costs of health care.

see the attached weekly digest containing ict developments from around the world


the link below to the markle foundation's health program at:

oh, almost forgot. content includes:

policy and industry developments

healthcare technology companies could benefit from obama plan

partnering for cyberspace security

call for common e-health standards

google eases rx assistance searches

lessons from the health information exchanges (hie) front

department of defense preps personal health records

personal genomics requires redefining privacy the human blueprint: dangerous secrets

government black boxes will 'collect every email' - home office says all data from web could be stored in giant government database

new firefox privacy mode released to testers

analysis: hollywood's next digital media gambit

air force aims to 'rewrite laws of cyberspace'

the new commodity: long hours and hard work - the case for becoming a prized 'value worker' in your organization

technology groups applaud fcc white spaces vote

corporation for assigned names and numbers (icann) meeting: egyptian host demands independence for network administration

new reports, studies and papers

over 60 million united states adults engaging in health 2.0

microsoft security report points to downtrend in malware

the driving motivations of stakeholders in the delivery of privacy by enterprises

an evaluative framework for research on the performance effects of information technology investment

sample overview: al qaida-like mobile discussions & potential creative uses

this report addresses the next major disruption for the internet

the report 'the future of the press: online strategies - new services and business models' provides a figure-backed examination of the press's migration to the web

insights and viewpoints

an obama presidency: good, bad news for technology

google's growth makes privacy advocates wary

accelerating the development of the ehealth market - viviane reding's speech at wohit 2008

looking to wikipedia for answers

o'brien: web 2.0 dead? no, it's just getting started

a convergence on privacy

transition to yesterday: subsidizing the killer app of 1952

who killed the voip revolution? a host of market and tech forces helped the communications world leap beyond the web-phone idea

and much more! enjoy!


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