AMIA submissions deadline


Specializes in Informatics, Education, and Oncology.

AMIA submissions deadline for the 2009 Spring Congress will be

Monday, December 15, 2008

There is under one week left for you to register a proposal for the 2009 AMIA Spring Congress. The theme is "People & Populations: Translation to Transformation". The Spring Congress is an excellent venue for informatics professionals to share their latest work by submitting a panel, presentation proposal or poster relating to one or more of the meeting tracks:

* Public Health Informatics

* Global e-Health

* Clinical Research Informatics

* Informatics Practice-Based Research

Be an active participant in a three-day event that will be a highly stimulating professional activity and will leave you with new ideas, new energy, and new ways of making a valuable contribution to our nation health care needs.

To submit your proposal or for further information please visit

Monday, December 15, 2008, 11:59 Eastern Time.

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