Published Feb 17, 2007
13 Posts
I'm a pre-nursing student right now, but I'm already looking into travel nursing. I particularly like this one company, but it just sounds too good to be true.
Has anyone worked an assignment for this company?
caroladybelle, BSN, RN
5,486 Posts
Please review threads in the travel forum as well as Delpi forums about AMH.
Their "slang" name among many travelers is the Evil Empire. They are the owner company of a lot of smaller travel companies, including Grady O'Peyton. They were one of the most successful for a long time, buying up other companies, but have had uneven financial results during recent years.
I was with them for a bit, but left over several issues, in which they behaved dishonestly and inappropriately. They also had several monthes (at least 8 monthes, after which I left) that they screwed up payroll, especially for those of us on the East Coast.
I have been treated much much better by my present company. It is large and probably pays less than some others but are much more reliable.
53 Posts
Hi...I'm currently on my first assignment in St. Louis, MO. Im from Florida and I'm with american mobile. I started my 13 week assignment on Feb 8th and so far I have not had any problems. I drove all the way here by myself and don't know anyone at all but I feel really safe in my apartment. I'm downtown in a highrise and there's a desk clerk 24 hours and cameras everywhere. I like the the hospital that I'm working at and there are several other travelers whos companies put them in hotels, Im the only one in an apartment. I haven't had a problem with my direct deposit. As a matter of fact I submitted my time late and still got paid on time. They do have health insurance that starts on day one but I havent used it yet. My recruiter is cool and calls to check on me. He's actually the recruiter for one of my friends who took an assignment in FL, she hasn't had any problems either. She loves her apartment and they even threw in a free washer and dryer for her. She doesn't really like the hospital she's at though,thats the chance you take with any job, but she's loving her paycheck! NE way if I have any problems I'll let you know.