Am I ready for the NCLEX exam? pls help


Hi, beautiful people. I would like to seek help from you. I am already anxious for the upcoming NCLEX-RN exam and it's going to be on March 8, 2014. I would like someone to assess me with regards to my test results.

Saunders CD:

Day 1- oct. 8 Cardiovascular. 100 59%Day 2- oct 18 ear 38 71%

day 3- oct 21- endocrine 100 65%

day 4 oct23 eye 100 52%

day5 oct27 gastrointestinal 100 70%

day6 oct30 health/physical 78 58%

day7 nov13 immune 100 64%

day8 dec1 integumentary 91 62%

day 9 dec 12 musculoskeletal 100 69%

day10 dec 26 neurological 100 65%

Total: 907 questions (1st group)

day 11 Jan 1 oncology 100 71%

day 12 Jan 2 renal 100 72%

day 13 Jan 4 respiratory 100 74%

day14 Jan 12 ear/thrt/respi/cardio 100 74%

day15 Jan14 gastrointestinal/renal 100 69%

day16 Jan 15 hemat/oncolo 100 75%

day17 Jan 16 Intg/AIDS/Infcs diss 100 79%

day 18 Jan18 metabolic/endocrine 100 92%

day 19 Jan22 neuro/musskeletal/crit 100 83%

day 20 Jan23 cultural diversity 39 87%

Total: 939 questions (2nd group)

day21 Jan25 dev stages 100 66%

day22 Jan 27 end of life care 100 64%

day23 Jan28 fluids/electro/acidbse 100 65%

day24 Jan29 lab values 100 64% day25 Feb 3 meds/bld/iv 100 77%

day26 Feb 3 nutrition 100 76%

day27 Feb4 perioperative care 100 79%

day28 Feb 5 safety/infection/cntrl 100 74%

day29 Feb 6 delegat/prioritizing 100 88%

day30 Feb 7 ethic/legal 100 87%*

Total: 1000 questions (3rd group)

day31 Feb 8 antepartum 100 81%

day 32 Feb 10 intrapartum 20 66%

100 77%

day 33 Feb 11 postpartum 100 72%

day 34 Feb 12 mental health 100 74%

day 35 Feb 13 pharmacology 100 63%

Total: 520 questions (4th group)

Extra: Comprehensive Exam

  1. Jan 16 - 100 57%(sélect/computation)


  1. Feb 13- 100 analyzing 74%
  2. Feb 15- 100 Evaluating 77% RR
  3. Feb 15- 23 understanding 69%

Total: 223 questions

Client's need

  1. Feb 18- 100 health promo&maint 77%

2 Feb 18- 100 physiological Integrity 76%

  1. Feb19- 100 psychosocial Integrity 78%

Total: 300 questions

Thank you for you

When I took NCLEX, I found Saunders to be easier than NCLEX questions. I would pick up another resource such as Kaplan NCLEX stategies and maybe PDA by LaCharity. Good Luck!

Thank you very much! i will buy a kaplan book

I think overall they are great but I believe these nclex styled questions are easier than the real test...I found lippincott q&a to be fantastic and alot more challenging than Kaplan and Saunders (my own opinion)..good luck:)

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