Am I making the right choice?


Hi,I am a second semester college student this year.When I was in high school,I was dead set on being a neonatal nurse.Now that I have gotten into college,I do not know what I want to do.I took a EMT training course during high school and loved it,just so I could see if I wanted to be in the medical field.I love babies and kids,and I am a hard worker,and am very caring at heart.I love to help people,and I could care less about the salary I make if I were to go into nursing.I love the medical field,and cannot see myself with a career outside of it.The only problem I have is how am I going to be able to handle death,stress,and traumatic situations?I'm very sensitive,and worry about everything,so this has really made me think twice about going into nursing.I want a hands on job,but I just don't know if I can handle nursing.😞

I would think that someone like you who is sensitive and cares about people would be the best kind of nurse. Certainly one I would want caring for me or my children. I would suggest speaking to nurses who do palliative care to find out how they deal with it. Here's a link to an article you might find interesting. In their own words: How do nurses deal with death? | theNursePath

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Welcome to AN! I went into nursing school with the expectation that I would eventually end up working in peds or OB. However, my clinical experiences in those specialties told me that neither would be a fit. I started working in the OR right out of school, and I've truly been blessed to have found my niche right away.

Do some self reflection, read around the site to see experiences of other nurses, talk to nurses you know, look into working as a nursing assistant or unit clerk or other healthcare job that doesn't require a license. If you decide nursing is something you want to do, go into nursing school with an open mind. You won't be exposed to all of the possible specialties to work in, but you'll see several.

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