All the degrees, no job

Specialties Doctoral


I graduated with my FNP and DNP in 2015 and am still looking for a job. I am in a city where there are many nursing schools and therefore I am thinking that the market is just completely saturated. I have been a nurse for 14 years and have worked ICU for 12 and ER for the last 2.5 years. Thank goodness this is steady work. Ive gotten my certification and my COA and CTP-E from the Board of Nursing. I have applied to at least 5-10 jobs a week and cannot even get a call back from places. I wanted to apply for NP jobs where I can eventually lead me into utilization of my DNP.At this point I will take just about anything. I am considering applying for a retail clinic job just to get some experience under my belt? I cannot believe how well these clinics pay and it seems like way less stress than any other job for a new grad............Any thoughts???

Specializes in Psych.

(specific to psych) I keep track of the PMHNP job postings and I am seeing more jobs stating "DNP preferred", but the statement I see more of is, "must have 3-5 years of psychiatric experience" as many obtain a psych NP when they are unable to get into the more competitive FNP programs [at least in my area], resulting in psych mental health np's that do not have any psych experience other than their 500 residency hours, which result in such varied experiences.

My main reason for wanting the DNP is I see it as a terminal degree option that I can complete in just a few years and I would like to get it done before it becomes mandatory (such as the rush for our ADN's to get BSN's in some areas).

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