Air Force Nurse Corps Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP)


Hey there,

Does anyone have any information about the Air Force Nurse Corps Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP)? Really, all I can find is the brochure on the's not really advertised (at least for the Air Force Nurse Corps).

Is this scholarship only for nurse specialties or can people who are applying to an Accelerated BSN program apply for this too?

I have a BS already. Do people with a previous degree get credit for that if they were to participate in this program? (ie:. instead going in as 2nd lieutenant can you go in as 1st lieutenant and then be promoted to captain once you graduate and obtain licensure?)

Looking forward to reponses. Thanks!

There are HPSP programs for all areas of the medical field.

Health Professions Scholarship


The Air Force offers

scholarships for Healthcare professionals to include: one-and two-year for

Biomedical Science Corps specialties (Pharmacists, Optometrists, Clinical

Psychologists, and Public Health Officers), two- and three-year for Nurse Corps

specialties, and three- and four-year for Medical Corps and Dental Corps. This

scholarship covers all tuition and required fees, including textbooks, small

equipment items and supplies needed for study. You will also receive a monthly

allowance of approximately $2,060 for living expenses. While on scholarship you

will spend 45 days on active duty in the Air Force, and once you graduate you

will serve active duty (one year for each year of scholarship, with a minimum of

three years).

Further information will be available if you contact a recruiter. This is an extremely competitive scholarship.

Thanks for the response.

I've contacted two recruiters yesterday afternoon...just waiting for a reply from them. (If I even get one at all!) I know it would be quicker to call, but I work during normal business hours M-F and can't conduct personal endeavors while at work. I know sooner or later I will have to take a day off to get this done.

Your screen name implies that you are in the military. Do you have any experience with any of the scholarships offered? Which branch do you / have you served in, if you don't mind me asking?

The recruiters will need to talk to you during business hours. So yes, if that means taking time off, you'll need to do that. Keep in mind that they're busy people and may not call right on time.

I was a two-time ROTC scholarship winner, though I was unfortunately unable to utilize them. I ended up doing the ANCP (Army Nurse Candidate Program) before graudating, passing the boards and commissioning as a 2LT in the regular Army. I've been in for over 3 years.

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