
Hello everyone,

My husband is starting the application process for AECP to become an Army Nurse. He's over in Korea right now, so he's asked me to gather as much info as I can. So, for now, this is my question...

What kind of school am I supposed to be looking for for him to apply to? He has his associates degree, but not in a medical field. He is currently enrolled in A&P and Chem w/lab, working on getting the pre-req's done. So, are we just looking for a community college that has the RN program? Do we need a 4 year BSN program? Accelerated or Secondary BSN program?

Can he just attend a less expensive, easy to get into community college? But, if they only offer 2 year degrees, how does he get the BSN?

I know that there are all kinds of LPN-RN, RN-BSN, LPN-BSN, etc programs...but what about AA-BSN?

Thanks for the help!

Specializes in EMT, ER, Homehealth, OR.

Has to be a BSN which is a 4 year degree, the "B" states for Bachelor. There is no BSN-AA since a AA is an associate degree. The RN-BSN programs are if you already have a Associate degree in nursing. The school needs to be accredited by one of the organizations execpted by the Army. Look at the Army's ACEP website and it will give you most of the info you need.

Right, I know all that. I've been to the website and it just states that the school needs to be accredited through NLN or CCNE (I think those were the right acronyms), and the the tuition can't be more that $9,000 per year. That seems like not very much $. One school I found locally with a BSN program, the tuition was $16,000 per year!

It would be great if there have been others that have gone through AECP that can tell me what schools they went to!

I was hoping there was some sort of AA-BSN program, so that he could go into a 4 year BSN program with the first two years done, and then take the nursing courses for the last 2 years. Rather than the other way around, like the RN-BSN works.

So, let's look at it another way...Say he has completed the pre-req's for the BSN program. With that, and already having an AA, will it still take 4 years to complete?

Specializes in Surgical.

After he finishes his prereqs, he only has two years left for the BSN program.

What is the service obligation for AECP?

The Army website says it is open to the Reserve, but do you stay in the Reserve component once you have the BSN, or do you have to switch to active component?

Please have your husband contact his nearest Army Education Center for assistance or contact the AECP Program Manager, SFC Gregory Florey, email: [email protected]. Full details of the program are available on the AKO website.

I am currently in the AECP. I found a school pretty close to my hometown. It took quite a bit of looking, not to mention finding a school that didn't require me to take a staggering amount of prereqs just to get in. This is the important part, if he gets accepted by the school, he will have to have all lower level classes complete in order to be accepted by the Army. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Hi there!

I am currently attending school under AECP FY2010 selection. There is a list of approved schools you can request from the program manager (currently, that is SFC Gregory Florey). I requested the list back in 2007 when I started getting my packet together, and this is (copy pasted) what I received for the previous manager along with two lists. Ask them for a current listing.

" I am attaching two lists, one is of schools that have historically been

used and the other is schools that fall in to the tuition cap. The only

things that you must keep in mind is that they have to meet the $9,000

tuition cap, they are CCNE or NLN certified, and last that you will be

able to graduate in 24 months or less. "

The list was helpful in choosing which schools to apply to. Good luck, be persistent. Be ready to tackle an endless mountain of paperwork as well, lol.

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