Published Nov 24, 2015
1 Post
Hello, I would like some advise about my current situation. I have a current gpa of 2.75 from previous semisters. However the current semister is about to come to an end, and I only have a 2.66 this semister. My concern is that the requirements for the program are a 2.75 gpa and 60 on teas test. I took my teas and got a 81, but my gpa is now 2.71. The program quardinator says she takes top 32 students. Is is posible for me to continue into the program or is all hope lost and need to move on! All advise would help, please comment your opions and feal free to ask more questions if that helps thank you.
14,633 Posts
Welcome to allnurses!
Most nursing schools these days are swamped with applicants, many times more than they can actually accept. Even the schools that state officially that the minimum GPA to be accepted is a 2.5, or 2.75, or whatever they say, are often only taking applicants with GPAs much higher than that, just because they have so many well-qualified applicants that they don't have to even consider people with lower GPAs. The last program in which I taught stated in all their literature that a 2.5 GPA was the minimum to apply, but the reality was that no one with less than a 3.7 was getting in, just because there were so many more people with 4.0, 3.9, 3.8 GPAs that even all of those individiduals didn't get accepted, and we never even got around to considering the applicants with the lower GPAs.
What kind of hope is the program coordinator offering you (in regard to your specific qualifications, not just info about how many people they accept)? Have you had a conversation with her about whether you will be considered with a GPA below (however slightly) their stated minimum to be qualified? Every school is different, and maybe this school has few enough applicants that you might be able to get in. I certainly wouldn't count on that, though. Do you have a "plan B"? If not, maybe it's time to start thinking of one.
Best wishes!