

I was wondering if some of you experienced nurses could offer a first year nursing student some advice. I seem to get bogged down in making A's in all of my class. Is it easy to accept that nursing school is not about making A's? I was also wondering if there is some secret trick to becoming very good at doing patient assessments? Please help!:uhoh3: :crying2: :smackingf

It does get easier with experience Aoutz. Is there anything specific that you are having trouble with in regards to patient assessments?

As for the "A student" thing, I was. I strived to do the best I could as a student. It wasn't so much about making an "A" as it was about meeting my personal best in regards to becoming a nurse.

Specializes in many. for assessments? find guinea pigs in your own home, and be systematic, use an acronym if you need to, but stick to the same pattern for every assessment.

I feel confident in what to do. I think I the problem is what to do if I find a problem and sometimes what to ask if there is an issue. I am currently working in a hospital and I think that cuts into my study time. Thanks:uhoh3:

Specializes in Addictions, Corrections, QA/Education.

Practice Practice Practice with assessments. It takes time.

As for A's, I was EXACTLY like you. I had to do the absolute best. It was like a huge competition. But when you get out there you will realize that the A's are not what matters. Of course do your best but please dont stress yourself out (I know thats easier said than done)

I feel confident in what to do. I think I the problem is what to do if I find a problem and sometimes what to ask if there is an issue. I am currently working in a hospital and I think that cuts into my study time. Thanks:uhoh3:

What you are describing is a critical thinking problem. (you will be sick of hearing about critical thinking before your are done school)

Critical thinking skills develop from accumulating knowledge in many areas. This will come.

Practice by thinking about what would you do or what additional information would you want, if you found such and so in an assessment. Think about what that finding indicates or suggests to you and take it from there.

thanks so much. It is glad to know that I am not he only one who has ever thought this way. How long did it take you guys to put it all together? Thanks!:rotfl:

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