Advice for all the people taking Hesi A2


Hi there!

I noticed there are some people in the forums that are still asking about the Hesi A2 exam. No worries, I was in the same position last week. My advice is to just study the study guide and you should do fine! I actually thought i over studied and worried about it so much that when i took the actual test, i didnt find it as hard as i though it would be. I was only required to take Math, Reading, and Vocab. I got a 96% in Math and an average of 80.4% in reading and vocab. I only needed a 72% to get in. This might sound cliche but the night before the test, sleep good. wake up early have breakfast and review a little more and you should do just fine! oh and try to study a lot of vocab the test i got had a lot of A&P words in it. but its not hard so dont panic! Goodluck!

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