Published Sep 26, 2008
54 Posts
To all the experienced nurses, I need your advice. I am a new grad and I have been interviewing for several positions and was offered a position working on a postpartum unit. I know that working Med Surge is crucial to my career but I was thinking, should I just get my feet in the door and then seek that position later.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,811 Posts
Working med-surg is not crucial to you career. Where do you want to work?
llg, PhD, RN
13,469 Posts
I agree with Tweety. Med/surg is only "crucial to your career" if you are planning a career that deals with the adult population who have those types of health problems. For nurses planning careers working with other populations (e.g. Maternal/Child) it is not necessary to ever work in adult med/surg.
What are your long-term career plans?
HI guys thanks for your advice. My long term goal is to actually work with the pediatric population.
If the post-partum position is the best job you can get right now, then that's not a bad job. You're going to work with babies and perhaps that can be an in to other positions involving peds. Don't torture yourself with adult med-surg if that's not what you're ultimately interested in.
Thanks to everyone for their advice. I really appreciate it. God Bless.