Advice on next step on Nursing Journey?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi! So I have my AA and I have been applying to a number of ADN programs at community colleges, but today I had someone ask me if I have looked into any BSN programs and I told her that I didn't want to go that route because it will take me 4 years to graduate with my BSN and she said it would only take me about 2.5 years. I am confused, but also I have been only doing research with ADN programs and would just like some advice and/or clarification from others before I dig deep into my researching. Thank you in advance!

Specializes in ICU/ Surgery/ Nursing Education.

I am not sure if anyone here can answer this question.  You will need to bring your transcript to the select BSN and ADN programs and ask what credits will transfer in to their program.  This will give you an idea of what will be left and how long it will take.

For example, locally, you could join the ADN program assuming that you have your A&P, Human Growth and development, and nutrition credit.  The ADN program would take 2 years.  Unfortunately, the local BSN program would require 3.5  years as some of their core classes must be taken early and are prerequisites for future core classes.  It is the way the program is set up and the availability of required courses.

Hope this helps.

Specializes in Postpartum/Public Health.

You're doing great by exploring your options in nursing education! Since you already have an Associate's degree (AA), a BSN program might not take the full four years. Accelerated BSN programs exist for individuals like you and can be completed in about 2 to 3 years, depending on your completed prerequisites.

Here are a few key points about choosing a BSN:
- Career Advancement: A BSN can lead to more advanced roles and is often required for higher positions in many hospitals.
- Higher Pay: BSN graduates generally earn more than those with an ADN.
- Better Patient Outcomes: Hospitals with more BSN-prepared nurses tend to have better patient outcomes.
- Further Education: A BSN is necessary if you plan to pursue advanced degrees like an MSN or DNP.

Research different BSN programs, particularly those that offer accelerated options, and consider how each aligns with your career goals. Speaking with program advisors can also provide valuable insights tailored to your situation.

If you want to learn more about accelerated BSN programs, feel free to review this article from AllNurses 

Specializes in ED & Critical Care CEN, TCRN, CCRN, CFRN, CTRN.

I couple of things to consider. I know this area well because I WAS you. FIRST, don't make your decision based on a timetable! No matter how long it takes to become an RN, once you're done, you're done. 2 years, 3.5 years, 5 years, doesn't matter. Time will pass, no matter what. SECOND, what are your pros and cons? Let me help you. I have 2 AAs (Emergency Medical Science & ADN). I went through a paramedic to RN bridge (3 semesters/Summer off) at a Community College locally (I was lucky). Then I transferred to a state university (East Carolina) for my BSN.

Option 1. Pros of an ADN: Less tuition, fewer credits, 2 years then test NCLEX, if not accepted, can try at another community college. Some systems pay tuition reimbursement. CONS: Graduate with ANOTHER associates, may have to get a BSN (more schooling).

Option 2. Pros of a BSN: Transfer credits mean taking fewer classes. Depending on your credits, it may take 2 to 3 years to complete a BSN instead of 4 years. More flexibility in job hunting (some systems may want you to have a BSN in a certain number of years), you won't have 2 associate degrees. CONS: Credits cost more than a CC, if you don't get accepted, you will have to declare another major or transfer to another school. 

Either way you choose, time will go by!  

Hope that helps! 



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