advice needed


Hi all,

I was in the nursing program, but didn't do well in a class or two, so I have to wait until next fall to continue on in the nursing program.

can anyone tell me what I can do in the meantime. what classes I should take that would help me in any way . also what I can do to actually gain some clinical experience.

thanks in advance.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

the couple people who were not successful in some classes took all the electives. So... they failed anatomy and physiology.. so they took pysch, stats, and anat/phys online at a different school (so they wouldnt have to wait)... my program allows you to keep on going, so while they were waiting to get back in they took the next anat and phys if there was room,... they took pharmacology.. and patho. Some also took english.

Specializes in Home Care.

Get your CNA license and start working as an aid. Then start taking general ed classes that will count towards a BSN.

Hi. I agree with the other suggestions regarding taking classes which will count toward your desired nursing degree and working as a nurse aid for clinical experience! Another idea is to talk with one of your nursing instructors about strategies to improve your grades in the future. For example, long ago when I was teaching nursing I suggested specific supplemental study aid books to help students who were having difficulty. In addition, I referred some students to the free test taking counseling offered in the psychology department of my university. Best wishes!

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

agree with Ocean Waves. No point in wasting money or time on the wrong classes if your real need lies elsewhere.

I recommend working in a hospital in ANY capacity, but in the nursing dept if you can find a position. The exposure to a hospital culture is beneficial and you might get help with tuition costs.

Try to get your foot in the door, perphaps volunteering in a unit of interest if you can't land a job right away. I also would brush up on the subjects that you were difficult for you. It's vital to keep up with the nursing knowledge regardless if you are or aren't in school. Good luck!!

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