Published Oct 17, 2005
6 Posts
The last 3 years I have worked in a non-nursing job part-time and also have helped in 3 weeklong summer camps as the only RN. Prior to that I did Public Health Nursing for 4 years, missionary/medical work 4 years and NICU/PICU nursing for 6. I would like to return to nursing part time, preferebly in the adult setting. Have I been away too long to require a refresher program? The only local program here is 3 month full-time course and $1700. While I believe I could benefit from a partial refresher, is a full course too much? I am considering med-surg type setting for hospital or return to Public Health Nursing. How marketable am I? Thank you for your opinions, I appreciate all the direction you can give!
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Hello, windyviews. :balloons: I don't think you have been out too long. You will receive an orientation when you go to work and with your experience, you don't forget much. Things have changed some and the world of medicine is always changing, but, you know the basics.
If you are truly uncomfortable, then yes, go with the review course, but, IMHO, I don't think you will need this.